
In the last 10 years, the Bourbon Tech Solutions team has been involved in the technical and dry docking management of more than 400 Vessels.

Most of those have been Offshore Supply Vessels (HSC vessels, passengers vessels, supply vessels and subsea vessels) owned by Bourbon Group, operating for the oil and gas industry in harsh environments all over Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America.

More and more, Bourbon Tech Solutions caters to ship-owners and ship-managers from maritime transport, passengers, carriers… and support them in their technical performance.

Please contact us for more details on our references and use-cases. We have built a great experience there and we will be happy to detail and explain our challenges and successes from the past years…

Bahtera Sri Kandi Marine


Bahtera Sri Kandi Marine became a document of compliance holder and ship management company for BOURBON in Malaysia covering the full spectrum of Ship Management, Crewing and Contracting scope of work for the Malaysian flag vessels.

  • Staff: 100+
  • Fleet : 46
  • VSL type: AHTS, PSV

Bourbon Offshore Surf


On March 15, 1972 was created 'Compagnies des moyens de Surface adaptés à l'exploitation des Océans", very quickly known as "Surf" and recently "Bourbon Offshore Surf" which reach its "roaring forties" in 2012.

  • Staff: 1000+
  • Fleet: 70+
  • Vsl type: AHTS, PSV, MPSV, MRIV, FSIV

Bourbon Offshore Greenmar


“Bourbon Offshore Greenmar S.A.” was established in 2004 as “Greenmar SA” and became Bourbon Offshore Greenmar S.A. in 2005. The company is Shipmanager, active in marine services and operate vessels worldwide. Located in Mauritius.

  • Staff: 1000+
  • Fleet: 45+
  • Vessel type: AHTS, PSV, FSIV

Bourbon Offshore Maritima


Bourbon Offshore Maritima S.A. (Ex-DELBA MARITIMA NAVEGAÇÃO S.A.) is one of the main offshore support companies in Brazil and the oldest of them performing marine support to oil activities in Brazilian waters.

  • Staff: 500+
  • Fleet: 20+
  • Vessel type: AHTS, PSV, FSIV, Surfers

Bourbon Offshore Norway


Bourbon Offshore Norway was established in 1998 as Havila Supply ASA. After 5 years, in 2003 it was bought by BOURBON and renamed Bourbon Offshore Norway AS. The main focus are supply, anchor-handling and subsea services.

  • Staff: 500+
  • Fleet: 20+
  • Vessel type: AHTS, PSV, MPSV

Sonasurf Angola


In Angola, offshore operations are managed by the joint venture Sonasurf. West Africa is the main market for BOURBON, which operates nearly 60% of its fleet here.

  • Staff: 1700
  • Fleet: 110+
  • Vessel type: AHTS, PSV, MPSV, Tugs, Crewboats

Bourbon Gabon


BOURBON GABON S.A. is a subsidiary company of BOURBON Group (60%) in partnership with Gabonese Partner GABON OIL COMPANY (GOC). Activities: Ship management of Surfers up to and including S2600 class.

  • Staff: 300+
  • Fleet: 51
  • Vessel type: OSV, FSIV, Surfers

Bourbon Interoil Nigeria Limited


Bourbon Interoil Nigeria Limited offers a latest generation fleet, ideally suited to meet the specific requirements of the most demanding oil and gas clients, providing two types of crewboats: the FSIV for emergency supplies and the Surfers for the transport of staff to and between oil & gas platforms.

  • Staff: 70+
  • Fleet: 64
  • Vessel types: OSV, FSIV, Surfers

Bourbon Offshore Surf Congo


Since June 2012, Bourbon Offshore Surf Congo has been managing Safe Operations Market BOURBON vessels operating in the country and develop further business.

  • Staff: 370
  • Fleet: 102
  • Vessel type: OSV, MPSV, FSIV, Surfers