
The company was established in 2013 in Bucharest, Romania as a center of excellence for Bourbon’s maritime technical expertise. Our first mission was to develop a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) including maintenance strategy, policies, procedures and tools. Among those tools, an integrated Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) was successfully deployed over a 400-vessel fleet.

This cross-functional initiative enabled us to build our strong expertise across the Group’s offshore fleet, one of the largest in the world. This successful achievement allowed us to build a solid expertise in:

  • PMS building & management
  • CMMS functional administration
  • Engineering and design
  • Technical services across the fleets

Embedded into Planned Maintenance System and related maintenance data and environment, we led the management and supervision of dry docking for BOURBON fleet in 2018, developing a new array of services. A “LEAN Project Management Methodology” was developed in order to support Bourbon Group efficiency towards dry docking costs, quality and delays. Since then, 46 dry docks have been prepared, coordinated and supervised, encompassing a total cost of over 65 million USD.

In 2019, after two years of research and development supported by Bourbon Group, we launched “Risk Based Maintenance” Services:

  • RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance) to optimize Maintenance Plans
  • CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) to deploy and administrate Vibration Monitoring
  • Predictive Maintenance, to deploy and administrate Technology

These solutions are deployed in Bourbon fleet and available for other fleets.

In early 2021, the company was renamed “Bourbon Tech Solutions” to uphold our core value, which is our commitment to bring solutions to your technical issues. A new management team, new mindset, additional services and new offices allowed us to start a new chapter as reliable technical service provider, for Bourbon Group and any other ship-owner or ship-manager.